This is a funny morning.
I was awakened by some big noise this morning. They made a big noise by transmiting the sound of a big construciton site to my window. Or maybe they just play some record. Their excuse is that I play my TV with a relatively lound volum. hehe. That is really absolutely radiculou. Actually whenever I turn on any electronic appliance with some sound like ventiliting fan in cooking room, HiFi or TV, even with the lowest volome, they will make sound like hittting the wall or make the sounds like a big hit. This is the same in four homes of this family. But only I will turn the volume up to versus them. Actually I know the reason. Every room is taped, ie. the beasts install microphone in every room. Whatever sound that made in the room will be lousy to them and cause difficulties in listening what we say clearly.
Can you just imagine what kind of beasts they are?
They install some microphone in our room illegally and forbiden us from any amusing sound.
And they will tell everybody in the building how I disturb their normal life by the sound so that everybody hates me.
This is the mean animal you can never imagine. When I go out of my home and then oftenly i can hear louder sound from their house. They can do whatever they want.
Can you just imagine what kind of beasts they are?
They install some microphone in our room illegally and forbiden us from any amusing sound.
And they will tell everybody in the building how I disturb their normal life by the sound so that everybody hates me.
This is the mean animal you can never imagine. When I go out of my home and then oftenly i can hear louder sound from their house. They can do whatever they want.
I have been blocked from two of my blogs for a month.
I have been blocked from entering two of my blogs for a month, which are blog in my.opera.com and google. I understand that those blogs still exist, I am just blocked. Maybe it is some IP filter on the server or somewhere. And I also know the reason why they want to block me from those blogs. I can see that quite some coments are listed in the blogs, These are done by their people. I can't view those comments but I know they must be telling a lots of bed words about the blogs or myself. If I can enter them, I will sure delete their nonsence at once. So now they are there. But I care for nothing since it is a trade off. If they input plenty of comments there, that will cause more attention and web flow. They maybe be doing advertisement for me. And also the readers are not stupid enought to believe just as they say. They can tell the truth by theirselves. To my surprise, they succeeded in incerting quite some hyperlinks in my articles. When I check the source code I found all. Then I also succeeded in deleting them, with all their working to stop me.
本刊记者 赵灵敏
为了对付这些制度成本和制度障碍,中国人只好每天多勤劳几小时,先为制度成本打工,然后才是为自己的收入工作。这就是为什么中国人一年的工作时间在全世界属最高之列,平均大约为2200小时。其它国家中,阿根廷一年人均工作1903小时,巴西人工作1841小时,日本人1758小时,美国人 1610小时,英国人1489小时,而荷兰人工作得最少,一年才1389小时;但是,跟这些国家比,中国的人均收入却最低。或许拉美人的确不如中国人勤劳,但是,由于他们的制度成本较中国低,虽然每天工作的时间比中国短,他们的人均收入照样比中国高。
本刊记者 赵灵敏
为了对付这些制度成本和制度障碍,中国人只好每天多勤劳几小时,先为制度成本打工,然后才是为自己的收入工作。这就是为什么中国人一年的工作时间在全世界属最高之列,平均大约为2200小时。其它国家中,阿根廷一年人均工作1903小时,巴西人工作1841小时,日本人1758小时,美国人 1610小时,英国人1489小时,而荷兰人工作得最少,一年才1389小时;但是,跟这些国家比,中国的人均收入却最低。或许拉美人的确不如中国人勤劳,但是,由于他们的制度成本较中国低,虽然每天工作的时间比中国短,他们的人均收入照样比中国高。
My little son had to go to the hospital last night. 昨晚我儿子被迫去医院了
Last night, I was told that my son got a quite painful feeling in his ear. He was with his mother and his mother took him to the hospital. The doctor could not check out what kind of illness it was. But I can without check anything. It was the cheap beasts who did it since it is such kind of feeling I have got for over ten years. Ear, belly, hand or head, wherever they want to do it on our body. I was just now working with an extremely painfull feeling with my own ear. But I just did not care now. Normally I can fight back by making some other part of my body some feeling of pain. That will stop them for sure. Now I just don't want to waste my time in this kind of meaningless thing. I would like to focus on what I am doing. This is just some kind of disturbance, and actually doesn't cause any physical problem. I will teach my son about this when he is back to me. They did this to him just want to cause some kind of depress in his mood or some psychological problem to him. They ever did this to the other kids of the family. What kind of shameless beasts they are. 昨晚,我儿子的耳朵非常痛,痛到不得不让他妈妈带到医院去看病。结果医生也没能诊断出具体是甚么病,但其实我能,根本不需要做任何检查。因为十多年了,我对这类的痛感太熟悉了,这毫无疑问是贱狗所为。只要他们想,可以在对象的任何部位制造出痛感,耳朵、手臂、大腿、肚子之类的。就象我的腰一样,十多年花了我无数金钱、时间医治,结果我最后发现根本就是虚造出来的。我儿子回来后,我会教导他怎样去应付这些无耻下流的贱狗。至于我自己,根本就懒得理他们了。这类太无聊的事情,我已经不愿意花费我的时间和精力了
可以自动翻译的网页 The translation can be done automatically in this address
http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=en|zh-CN Some friends told me that they have quite some difficulties in reading those articles in English. So I found this address. You copy the words in it, the translation is done for you. I check the translated words, it is OK for understanding. 有些朋友告诉我说那些用英语写的文章比较难读懂,抱歉得很。于是我找到这个网址,只要把文章填进去,译文就自动出来了。我读过了,文字还算通顺。
All pieces have fallen into places. 疑团基本解开了
Tuesday, 23. January 2007, 10:48:14
have been thinking about this for over ten years.
For more than a decade, wherever I went there will be a group of people around me showing their unfriendly emotion to me. Whichever company I was in, more and more colleague are against me in every espect, even those completely had nothing to do with me. I was told in every company I worked for that some of the colleague kept telling forged bad words about me to every people. Enemies were built up among me so that I would have to leave in maybe two or three years. I had moved to live in four different places for this period. Wherever I lived, people around me were againse me because of various meaningless reasons. For instance, some of the neighbours kept complaining about the volume when I watched TV or listening musice. When I got home unexpectedly, I just found they played their TV or HiFi with much louder sound than mine. This was just radiculous. And there were so many these kinds of things happened with me. I just found people hated me without any reasonable reason, or by purpose.
For long years I had regarded that all these were because of my fault. Therefore I tried a lot of works to make myself better. I learnt a lot, read a lot and worked very hard every day merely to make myself better. But time after time these just happened repeatedly.
I could not get enough every night because of their work. I got a lot of pain or illness because of their work. My little boy also got in plenty trouble because of their work. I realized all these in less than one year. On my last job, plenty bad words were spread among my colleague. My desktop are shared to lots of colleague, my privacy are opened to almost every people. My boss just asked me who was against me to do all these. He had to ask me to leave even when he admitted that I just devote a lot to the company. He did give me an outstanding appraisal at the end of the year and a promotion. Also my ex-wife left me because she was afraid of something she dared not to tell me.
There has to be a group of people are always against me, for a period of more than ten years.
I realized this. But why? For what kind of reason quite a group of people spend plenty of money and resource on me? And also on my little boy? And also on my old mother ten years ago? She told me that quite some people were against the family. At that time she was at her last period of time suffering lung cancer. It was miserable for her to worry about her children. She was in good health when there was a health check financed by her working unit. And after just less than a year she was dead of cancer.
After I left the house we bought to my ex-wife and moved out. Over ten people were around me, working on me. My computer is hacked by a remote control. I am sure of it since I have been working with a PC for almost twenty years. I worked out the management programs for several companies I worked for. I am almost an expert on this. And I have to fight them everyday to have my PC works. The neighbour around me don't work everyday, but stay at home with me. They never go to bed before me. Wherever I go, there are some people follow me. They want to blame all these to the former company I worked for. They pretend to work for that company. But I am sure that is never possible.
They use over ten kinds of means to disturb my life, to frighten me. After I opened this blog, whenever I am on the internet, tens of people pretend to my net friend to chat with me by use of an instant messenger software named QQ.
The only reasonable explanation to all these is: This is a kind of experiment.
I know it for sure. And I got some secret information from some countable resources. It is.
It is a very long term experiment on people reaction based on lots of condition put to his life.
They began to do this a decade ago, with one family people agree to this. But he is not entitled to do this on behalf of us.
They are afraid of going publc so they tried a hundred of method to stop me from doing this. Becase this is completely illegal. They do know.
They know that any kind of their mean doesn't work on me at all. And they are trying on my little boy now.
What they know for sure that will work on me is to cut my economic resource. They prevent me from finding a job. For several times I negotiated a job opportunity and almost succeed. The chances just died unreasonably. I know they did a good job because of the departmet they work for.
There are some business inviations offered to me. But I know these are their bait. They want to waste all my money in one time then I would have nowhere to go, but to kneel down to them. Then they may carry on their experiment, maybe on thousands of people,also on my dearest son.
They scold me of acting badly for these years through some means. That is nonsense. That is like some robbers robberig a bank and demand all the victums to be kindly stand still and let them do whatever they want.
What I want to do is to make all these go publc. With my money I can still hold on for a year. I will this whole year to make this news spread to the whole globe.
I know the risk I take to do this. I maybe damaged at some point. Then let me just devote myself. Suggest there is a invasion to my homeland, I know I will surely fight it. I will lead an army to fight to my dead.
I am devoted now. If this is the last year of the torch of my life, let me burn it.
I am devoted to god, to people I love.
have been thinking about this for over ten years.
For more than a decade, wherever I went there will be a group of people around me showing their unfriendly emotion to me. Whichever company I was in, more and more colleague are against me in every espect, even those completely had nothing to do with me. I was told in every company I worked for that some of the colleague kept telling forged bad words about me to every people. Enemies were built up among me so that I would have to leave in maybe two or three years. I had moved to live in four different places for this period. Wherever I lived, people around me were againse me because of various meaningless reasons. For instance, some of the neighbours kept complaining about the volume when I watched TV or listening musice. When I got home unexpectedly, I just found they played their TV or HiFi with much louder sound than mine. This was just radiculous. And there were so many these kinds of things happened with me. I just found people hated me without any reasonable reason, or by purpose.
For long years I had regarded that all these were because of my fault. Therefore I tried a lot of works to make myself better. I learnt a lot, read a lot and worked very hard every day merely to make myself better. But time after time these just happened repeatedly.
I could not get enough every night because of their work. I got a lot of pain or illness because of their work. My little boy also got in plenty trouble because of their work. I realized all these in less than one year. On my last job, plenty bad words were spread among my colleague. My desktop are shared to lots of colleague, my privacy are opened to almost every people. My boss just asked me who was against me to do all these. He had to ask me to leave even when he admitted that I just devote a lot to the company. He did give me an outstanding appraisal at the end of the year and a promotion. Also my ex-wife left me because she was afraid of something she dared not to tell me.
There has to be a group of people are always against me, for a period of more than ten years.
I realized this. But why? For what kind of reason quite a group of people spend plenty of money and resource on me? And also on my little boy? And also on my old mother ten years ago? She told me that quite some people were against the family. At that time she was at her last period of time suffering lung cancer. It was miserable for her to worry about her children. She was in good health when there was a health check financed by her working unit. And after just less than a year she was dead of cancer.
After I left the house we bought to my ex-wife and moved out. Over ten people were around me, working on me. My computer is hacked by a remote control. I am sure of it since I have been working with a PC for almost twenty years. I worked out the management programs for several companies I worked for. I am almost an expert on this. And I have to fight them everyday to have my PC works. The neighbour around me don't work everyday, but stay at home with me. They never go to bed before me. Wherever I go, there are some people follow me. They want to blame all these to the former company I worked for. They pretend to work for that company. But I am sure that is never possible.
They use over ten kinds of means to disturb my life, to frighten me. After I opened this blog, whenever I am on the internet, tens of people pretend to my net friend to chat with me by use of an instant messenger software named QQ.
The only reasonable explanation to all these is: This is a kind of experiment.
I know it for sure. And I got some secret information from some countable resources. It is.
It is a very long term experiment on people reaction based on lots of condition put to his life.
They began to do this a decade ago, with one family people agree to this. But he is not entitled to do this on behalf of us.
They are afraid of going publc so they tried a hundred of method to stop me from doing this. Becase this is completely illegal. They do know.
They know that any kind of their mean doesn't work on me at all. And they are trying on my little boy now.
What they know for sure that will work on me is to cut my economic resource. They prevent me from finding a job. For several times I negotiated a job opportunity and almost succeed. The chances just died unreasonably. I know they did a good job because of the departmet they work for.
There are some business inviations offered to me. But I know these are their bait. They want to waste all my money in one time then I would have nowhere to go, but to kneel down to them. Then they may carry on their experiment, maybe on thousands of people,also on my dearest son.
They scold me of acting badly for these years through some means. That is nonsense. That is like some robbers robberig a bank and demand all the victums to be kindly stand still and let them do whatever they want.
What I want to do is to make all these go publc. With my money I can still hold on for a year. I will this whole year to make this news spread to the whole globe.
I know the risk I take to do this. I maybe damaged at some point. Then let me just devote myself. Suggest there is a invasion to my homeland, I know I will surely fight it. I will lead an army to fight to my dead.
I am devoted now. If this is the last year of the torch of my life, let me burn it.
I am devoted to god, to people I love.
This is the song that always sounds at my ear

The greatest love of all
i believe the children are our future
teach them well and let them lead the way
show them all the beauty they possess inside
give them a sense of pride to make it easier
let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
everybody searching for a hero
people need someone to look up to
i never found anyone to fulfill my needs
a lonely place to be
so i learned to depend on me
i decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
if i fail, if i succeed
at least i live as i believe
no matter what they take from me
they can't take away my dignity
because the greatest love of all
is happening to me
i found the greatest love of all
inside of me
the greatest love of all
is easy to achieve
learning to love yourself
it is the greatest love of all
i believe the children are our future
teach them well and let them lead the way
show them all the beauty they possess inside
give them a sense of pride to make it easier
let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
and if by chance, that special place
that you've been dreaming of
leads you to a lonely place
find your strength in love
My choice maybe

Quite some friends persuaded me to give up, by whatever kind of purpose. It was what I said that I had not the choice to stop or not. I had not choice but to fight the beasts.Actually I do know that I have.Like the other people of the family, live a life under of the willing of those cheap beasts everyday.No TV or Hifi every day, or with the lowest volume that I can hardly hear the sound. Talk with the lowest volume. No political topic can be talked about. Or talk about it with all opinion they like.
To say it in one word, just do whatever they like, according to their willing. This should what their xperiemnt for, try a lot of methods (however cheap or mean they are) to control people's life. Once you obey their order, they will do nothing to harm you. Therefore the whole family is completely OK without me. With my ability, I can live a very good life under this. As I said before, some weeks ago a general manager of a big electronic company called me in person and invited me to be the logistics director. The payment was very good. I can live a life with a big house and car and almost anything I need. I am an MBA and I had been logistics managers to some very big companies for almost ten years. A decent life is easily achievable for me.But to me, this is not a life of human, but a lfie of a dog.What about my dignity? my right? my freedom?
A friend of mine said to me: just look down yourself, you can accept anything.
But no, this is not the type of life I want or I can live. I am too proud to live that kind of life.
In my house, I should be free to do anything I like, talk about anything I like. No matter how cheap or powerful they are, they can't take away my dignity.
Since this is their experiment, it should have been applied to tens of thousands of people. Maybe my choise is the only one.
So try it. This should be their experiment that is still going on. Come and put whatever condition is it. I will fight. This is the condition too, right?
Did you cheap beasts ever think about death or risking of the object's life?
This maybe the first time. I think there will be more and more. It has to be
It seems a long march to go, but it had been started.路漫漫其修远兮

It has to be a long journey. Since they are really powerful, with plenty of resources. Money, manpower, technology, instrument, everything. Comparatively, I have nothing. What I have is my brain. This is really much more intellegience than their, or I can never fight them for so many years and couse so many trouble to them.
This morning I went by the famous pearl river, enjoying the view in a smoky rain. It was beautiful. I have been living in this city for forty years, seeing the river bank for thousands of times. But this morning I just enjoy it again, under a little bit heavy rain.
Life is beautiful, although for all those cheap beasts. I enjoy it and I love it. Life is not a dog. You can enjoy it while you just want to do it. No matter how many difficulties you are to face, it is your decision to enjoy it or suffer it.
Last night when a friend of mine persuaded me to give up, I told her it was not my decision to stop or not. I had to face it or there was nowhere to go.
Though it is my decision to enjoy it, with all the fighting, cheap beasts and sound playing around.
Even it maybe the last period of my life or life in normail world, I will enjoy it.
Although facing great pressure from cheap beasts, I feel it just another day
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Both I and my son had hardly any sleep last night because of the effect of cheap beasts work. But now I just keep calm and peaceful and begin my work today.
But I do face their more and more presure, at home or outside, to me and to my son, especially to my son. They almost kidnap my son as a kind of mean to threaten me, wanting me to surrender.
It is really stupid. How can I surrender? Just let them do whatever they want to do upon my own son? Hand over my own son to the hands of a group of cheap beasts?
No way.
To me, this is more difficult than death.
Since I have never thoght about the possibility of surrender, it is just another day with all the pressure. Actually it is nohing to me now.
Letter to Dell 给戴尔的信
I bought a Inspiron 1501 and received it yesterday. But I found the computer is dirty. I checked it with Norton Disk Doctor and found two USB disks and a floppy disk were virtually installed in the harddisk. I try to erase them by low formatting the hard disk with many software but never succeed. And your engineer in China lied to me that the operation system you provide does not have a graphic mode, but I found it had. Then I cannot trust your Chinese employee any longer. How can a famous brand name like Dell do this? I am expecting your prompt answer or I may open this whole issue to the press or sue you.
我购买了一部戴尔的 Inspiron 1501手提电脑,并且于昨天收到,但是我发现这台电脑是脏的。我用Norton Disk Doctor检测过,有两个USB硬盘和一个3寸软盘被虚拟装入我的硬盘。我试图用低级格式化来删去这些虚拟的硬盘,但是使用了很多软件都不能成功。而且贵公司的工程师对我撒谎,说提供的红旗系统软件没有图形界面,很难使用,而我发现其实是有的,我无法信任贵公司的中国雇员了。如戴尔这样的著名品牌怎么可以这样做?我期待能够得到贵公司的尽快答复,否则我会向媒体公开此事,并提起诉讼
Brief introduction to myself. 我的简介

I am an MBA. I was a logistics manager in a Fortune 500 company, and also in a Hong Kong public-listed company. I am ready to face any kind of things. To revenge for my mother, for the growing-freely of my son and for dignity, I am ready for anything that might happen. If I am put to jail or death, that will give the pease to my heart. I am insured for 600 thousand. That will be enough for my son to live on till he grow up.
ACPI-compliance added to the PC in netbar 网吧的电脑被装上了ACPI-compliance
For these two weeks, I found the PC I used in the nerbar will be shut down when I was doing something they dislike very much.
When I checked the system appliance installed, I found something newly added to the list. Some ACPI appliance. I search with google the name and found some information like this:
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specification
So it is some kind of power controling software. This explains why my PC was shut down by them whenever they want to do.
They are quite proud of this and expect this may casue huge pressure on me. But sorry, not at all.
Because I have been prepared for anything may happen, anything including death.
I am a Buddhist. To me death is just the beginning of another cycle of life, not the end of everything. If I died for liberty, freedom, for people I love, I will accept that without hesitation.
Let me go to the Buddha, and make everything clear from him.
When I go back, I will fight them again.
The interactive is almost open 互动几乎公开化了
They know for sure that they can never cheat me now, so they interacitve with me almost openly. Such a big hole was found on the wall in my bedroom, how can they still say no to all the fact.
Last night I was so angry when they did bother my son so much that I just shout to them. I shout all the truth for all these years out and let all the neighbours know it. They were really afraid of it.
I shout to their own conscious. How can you people go to sleep after doing so many dirty, cheap mean things. Maybe you can cheat all the other people, but can you cheat youselves? Can you sleep peacefully? If you can, you are beasts, not human.
Are you shame of yourselves when you did all those dirty things to that old lady with lung cancer at the last three months of her life? To that little boy who was only three years old? Look into your own heart if you still have one. Look at yourselves at the mirror? Are you all shame of yourselve? I am sure your ancesters are shame of you. If you are not, you are beasts, hot human.
What about the parents? You are living with your sons or daughters, see them when they are doing those dirty work. You all are dirty as your sons and daughter.
For how much money you all old or young people sold your conscious, your soul, your heart. Is all that worth?
Maybe their old man wants to make themselves comfortabble. They say it with very low voice that it is all the same everywhere. So they admit all.
But it is stll nonsence. Even it is all the same everywhere doesn't make it better. It is about your own conscious, your own judgement of what is right to do. When Hitler and those German killed so many jews, there were so many people doing those dirty work. Can we say they were right?
If you want to cheat yourselves with this nonsence, do it.
To me, it doesn't work at all.
It is quite funny 挺滑稽的
I have been working at home for several days, taking care of my computer against them. I ordered a new Dell notebook and expected to receive it in two days.
Tens of disturbing and threatening method were used upon me, including different kinds of sound, hammer, etc., but not the faintest effect there was on me.
The most funny thing is that I found a big hole on my wall!! Can you believe it?
I just happened to touch the wall behind my bed the day before yesterday and heard a abnormal sound not like touching the brisks, but the wooden board. So I knocked it with my finger, the sound turned out to be liking knocking on a wooden board. Then I studied it carefully. There was almost one square meter big hole on the wall, with a wooden board covered it and repainted. There were cracks around it. Apparently it was quite a newly created.
It had to be for their different kinds of waves to go through from the other side.
How shameless it is. And also how cheap are they.
This is why my son feel dissy beside the hole when doing homework. And so do I when sitting at that place. They are using some kind of sound wave or microwave upon our head to create the feeling.
This may cause some kind of brain cancer to us? It is possible to kill me without using a knife.
What kind of beasts are they.
一件奇怪的事情 Something very strange
I found something very strange. It is shown from my firewall that my pc was connected to Taiwna, Hong Kong, Macao, Europ, US and many other places. But why? Is this an international project? Did I cause so many attention from so many places? It is incredible.
Or is it their method to make me confused? Do they show those forged IP addresses to me?
生活仍然在继续 Life is just going on

Whenever there are thunders and flashes or a clear sky, life is just going on. Beneath the peaceful days, maybe there are streams under. I make it just another day, working without payment or supervision.
Still working on the net while being watched and tried anything to stop me, all these are my part of my daily life now.
They have switched their main point to my son.
Some friend asked me wether I imagine my story out. Am I too sensative? I understand their point. Actually if all these haven't happened on me, I would not believe it mostly. Thanks a lot for their believing me not creating the whole story. At least they trust me.
If I should be trusted, it is simple to explain all that then. The painful waist which tortured me for ten years and costed me over ten thousand in varous hospitals, should not be cured in ten minutes when I just put some pain on the other parts of my own body. The pain with my throad, lasted over ten years and also costed me quite a lot of money, should not be cured easily with the same method and never happen again. I might have taken a ton of chinese herbal medicine to deal with my painful throat. How can it be so easy to be cured if it is a natural one?
They are transferring their point to my son, might because all their means can do nothing on me now, might be that was started long ago and never stopped, or might be they want to scare me and put a stop to my movements on the net.
Then I can not stop more over. I can not just sit besides and see all these happen to my dearest son. Never.
I would rather sacrify my own life for that risk.
I decided thatt I may just live for the people I love now and ever.
Still the struglling on internet 仍然在互联网上纠缠
I can't use my computer yet, but have to work in a net bar. They still do a lot of things to stop me to make this open to the public. I have to fight them in almost every minute. I have to change the computer three times to avoid being controlled.
Now I can work, on this blog and the net.
The most funny thing is they had to switch off the power supply of the net bar three days ago when I was sending lots of mail to overseas media.
Did I break the law? 我犯法了吗
Some sort of communication told me yesterday that I have breaken the law. They were warning me. Am I stupid enough to be easily cheated or are they stupid enough to tell this bullshit?
If I did, arrest me. Take me to the court and give me a fair trial. That is exactly what I want. They should understand the normal procedure of justice very well. That is what they do for.
I am still alive to this blog. 对于这个博客来说,我还活着
Wednesday, 28. March 2007, 08:37:16
They have done so many things to keep me away from the net. My computer is down again, abosolutely not because of any normal problem with my software or hardware. Since I have been playing PC for over ten years and it will quite an easy job for me if there is just nothing abnormal.
And I certainly know what it should be without the wireless control.
This time I have to low level format my harddisk again to put away those programs and files they put on my disk.
Therefore I am surf the net in a net bar near my apatment. I think I will be able to do this at home maybe in one or two days.
And I am going out of the city for an interview for a vacancy of General manager in a small company own by Italian. Actually I don't expect too much for the sucess because I am sure they will follow me tomorrow. And I am sure they will let me know it by putting some techinical means on me such as making my hand or my thoat painfull for a while. We do know each other. Once they do think it is frightfull to me, they may not now I think.
Several days before a General manager from a large electronic company called me by person inviting me for their logistics director in Shanghai. I did hear some noise come from the call and I think that works. The people never call me again. I understand what it means, they do something to cause it.
I just do what I should do, and put the rest parts to the hands of god.
今天我大获全胜 I win today
Wednesday, 21. March 2007, 10:38:06
Today I win all, on my own computer and also on the net. I do everything I want to do. I can do anything I want to do, under their supervision. They play quite a lot tricks with my computer, but none of them works.
They have used out their weapon, therefore they have to act like a rascal. But it doesn't work either.
This time they should be scold by their leaders. I am pity on them.
Maybe now they are desired to take a big hammer to my room and stuck my computer. Sorry, I can fufill them
效泼皮所为 Acting as rascals.

Wednesday, 21. March 2007, 06:27:18
The fighting methods of the cheap guys finally is changed a little bit, but worse. They just create quite some thread with several processes and occupy the resource of the system, so as to make my computer down.
I terminate the processes they play chicks with and re-start them. And they do the same things again. They are acting like some rascal, not with just a littler maaner of some professional people. Sure, they are not that class of people.
来吧,我也红了眼了 Come on, you guys. I am ready.
Tuesday, 20. March 2007, 12:18:39
The cheap dogs are very angry at me now since they are insulted by me for so many times. They pretend to be my normal neighbour and begin to challenge me now. I know it may be the beginning of a big fighting. They do want to hurt me physically.
This is not the first time. I did suffer a little last two times because I was not ready.
This is not the same case now. I have been practise my body for half a year. And also I have sort of weapons with me.
COme on you mean dogs. I know you couldn't wait any longer, neither could I.
If I do tremble, I will not be the son of my mother, the father of my son.
Send somebody strong enough, or I can not beat them hard.
实在无法明白 I can never understand this.
Friday, 16. March 2007, 07:26:24
I just can never understand how shameless those relative department people. They are completely defeated by me in consideration of computer technology. During two years of fighting each other, I am in fully control of my own computer now. I can do whatever with it. Although they have built-in remote control appliance in my computer and can do anything they want to do once I switch on the computer. Even after they had to slip into my room and stole some of my programmed CD and did something to my IDE calbe, they can not control me or stop me from doing anything now.
Is this a total failure?
These stupid guy created lots of thread when I cook for my little son and made my computer down. But just a little while later, I come back again. I delete almost every item they use to control my computer, they are so angry that they hit the walls of my room to create quite some noise. What use can they do with it? It is just shameless.
Now I can do whatever I want to do with my own computer. They can show me their technical level, what good there is with knocking the wall?
They just stay beside me every day. Where is their manner as a big institution?
If this is an experiment, then I now understand any method they use, and not at all be refleted. It is meaningless now.
The reason they can control me is other than technical problem. This only make me laught at them.
这两天的工作 What I am doning for these two days.
Wednesday, 14. March 2007, 09:21:27
I have been uploading some beautiful pictures taken by me when traveling to this blog. What I want is to add more volume and catergory of this blog to attract more friends to visit this page.
But those cheap dogs kept trying to stop me from doing this and I kept trying to finish my work. We just kept fighting each other. It is sort of interesting. And normally they can not stop me eventually, but just delay my schedule. I can always do what I want to do.
For some while, I will make this blog known to most of the people. And then?
I leave this to the hand of god. I know I am dealing with a powerful institution, may the god take care of my result.
酒囊饭袋们的的招数 The methods stupid dogs are using
Tuesday, 20. March 2007, 04:46:42
我还是上来了,还是喜欢做什么就做什么. I can still go up here and do whatever I want to do
Saturday, 17. March 2007, 04:54:01
It made cheap dogs quite upset that I just laughted at them. It made them mad. They sucessfully try to make my computer not able to be boot. But just after I do something to the main board, it is OK then. And I am back to the net.
实在无法明白 I can never understand this.
I just can never understand how shameless those relative department people. They are completely defeated by me in consideration of computer technology. During two years of fighting each other, I am in fully control of my own computer now. I can do whatever with it. Although they have built-in remote control appliance in my computer and can do anything they want to do once I switch on the computer. Even after they had to slip into my room and stole some of my programmed CD and did something to my IDE calbe, they can not control me or stop me from doing anything now.
Is this a total failure?
These stupid guy created lots of thread when I cook for my little son and made my computer down. But just a little while later, I come back again. I delete almost every item they use to control my computer, they are so angry that they hit the walls of my room to create quite some noise. What use can they do with it? It is just shameless.
Now I can do whatever I want to do with my own computer. They can show me their technical level, what good there is with knocking the wall?
They just stay beside me every day. Where is their manner as a big institution?
If this is an experiment, then I now understand any method they use, and not at all be refleted. It is meaningless now.
The reason they can control me is other than technical problem. This only make me laught at them
我的博客的统计 The statistics of the visitors to my blog
From the statistic report by Opera.com, my friend who is reading this blog are from more and more places, such as many provinces over China and states over US, and alos some asian countries. Now I move the target market from China to abroad and begin to write this blog both by Chinese and English. I will make this blog known to the whole world. Since they deleted all tags I pasted on web stations within China, I have to move outside, where they don't dare to delete them.
What is interesting is what I wrote is like some diary in war field, recording those activities I fight with cheap dogs. I don't have enough time think of how to writ the article well since it costs my a lot of time to fight them, when they use quite a lot of methods to stop me from doing anything on net. Therefore the wording is not quite good.
As the flow of readers grows, I wish all friends on net help me to promote this blog for me, or for freedom.
I know that quite a few are helping me on this, thanks for all of them.
与贱狗的控制与反控制 Control and anti-control activities between me and the cheap dogs
因为我们都选择了必须让我每次开机都要进行一次Ghoast image的重装,因此每天只要我开机,我们都要忙乱好一阵子,玩弄着越来越丰富的控制与反控制手段.
Since we all choose to start my computer from a re-installation with a ghost image,we both have a lot of things to do everytime I start my cmputer, more and more control and anti-control activities taken placed.
Actually I have some pity on him, since I am a quite hard-working people and I worked on net for over ten hours yesterday, he had to follow me. When I was listening to Beethoven, Chopin, Dvorak and working on net until half past 11 pm, he might be exhausted and just made a lot of noise on my walls. I was sorry for that. They maynot find any watched people as violate as me. But I couldn't help with it since he was doing such a god-damned cheap job as watching and disturbing the citizens haven't done anything which was ilegal.
Even if I am quite a criminal who deserve all these, what is the guilt of a 9-year-old little boy? They watch him and disturb hime everyday. He cannot concentrate with his study and get no good sleep everyday. Do all these people have any conscious of loyalty or moral in heart?
I am OK with anything that happen to myself. After ten long years of being watched and disturbed everydat, I have the strongest nerves. No any noise or feeling-transmission-device will work on me, let alone any frightened word.
I know they want to stop me from finding any economic resource like job or any thing likely. But I am not worried now, not about my future, not about money, not about my career. I just want to do what I should do and have to do quitely. I will put all those things to the hand of god. Let him to take care of my result.
I am not angry any longer, but work everyday peacefully. I will accept my fate, but not without any strugle.
I just work hard everyday and let the god to take care of the rest.

为你母亲的过世而感到悲伤...呵呵 掉眼泪了...
(我相信您应该有这样的财力 我们这边别墅才100~200W)
唉...现在真后悔 当初怎么不好好学E文...现在到用的时候方恨少...
(我是广州附近的...国语不怎么样 希望您能看懂吧 呵呵)
我个人不顺心的时候喜欢听 宫崎峻 的配乐,我个人很喜欢.
By 中国人吖..., # 29. January 2007, 02:36:12
首先,他们肯定在我的主板内植了一个红外线接收器。我的主板是没有这个东西的,但是支持这项功能。接收器必须另装,理论上必须伸出机箱,但如果发射器功率够强的话,就不必要了。我为甚么这么肯定呢?因为有一天我回家,看到Bios设置的密码没有了,所有的Cmos设置也没有了。这项改变绝不可能遥距完成,即使Intel或者Microsoft也不可能,因为要做主板放电的。要跳线,就是说打开机箱,将Cmos设置的保存的三根针中间的连接帽的两根断开,再连接上另两根,然后再重新接回去。所以他们肯定进了我的家,然后再做的。既然可以进入我的屋子,那就无事不可为了。我的主板是VIA的KM400-M2,是 OEM的,公开发售的只是KM400。我在网上能够找到的只有KM400的说明书,其图纸与我的主板差别甚大,所以无法拆除。理论上换一个主板可以解决问题,但是毕竟需要时间和心境。而且既然他们能进屋,就可做的事情太多了,防不胜防。鉴于他们的职业特权,进屋也许并不太难,我前几天一张重要的工具软件光盘就不翼而飞了,好好地放在CD簿里面,几乎天天用的,不可能不见的,所以不言自明。另外,我们的一位成员家中的电脑因为她的电脑技术被看不起,直接将红外线接收器的驱程装在电脑里面了,哈哈,被我看到了。
有了这个连接,他们改了我的Cmos设置,设成缺省从Floppy Disk启动,就是在我的硬盘上面隔开一个秘密分区,然后设置成虚拟的软盘,从那里启动我的Windows。或者这个Floppy Disk 设置在他的电脑上面。我用软件查过,我的每个硬盘上面都有5M左右的分区被单独隔开。我用过很多种软件做低级格式化、高级格式化,都不能解决这个问题,即使是分区的时候零剩余,他们在我用电脑的时候也可以重新分割出来。
为甚么他们可以做到呢?我查了很久,其实也不是太复杂。他们用了VM这个虚拟软件,我用软件检查内存的时候,检查到了VM的进程,但是Windows里面没有这个进程。所谓VM,就是Virtual Machine,目前就流行的虚拟控制软件,据说Microsoft人手一台VM。使用这个软件,就可以在硬盘上装很多个系统软件,然后自由转换。他们设置从虚拟的软盘上启动,然后启动Vistual Machine,再带动我的Windows启动,就可以达到控制的目的。他们还会虚拟全套的PNP硬件在电脑上,这个我用Dell的自查软件查过,连 CPU、内存、鼠标、键盘都有虚拟的。理论上,我更新Bios也可以解决这个问题,但是他们一直阻挠我这样做。于是我将Cmos设置中的USB支持等等各种有可能相关的设置全部禁用了,这样自己能使用的功能减少了,但总比被别人控制自如要好得多。
除了虚拟硬件以外,他们经常使用的是IDE Controller,可以控制设备IDE设备的使用。比如说,可以让我的电脑不能认出光驱和硬盘,这样,他们可以使用我的IDE接口虚拟一个硬盘,从而直接使用他们电脑的硬盘的程序来达到控制的目的。在我购买刻录机不久,他们就禁用了我的光驱。我试过几次主板跳线都没有解决,最后把电池拔出反装,将主板上的电全部放掉才解决了刻录机的使用问题。因为使用Virtual Machine,理论上我是在他的Virtual Machine上面装Windows,所以受到他们的全面控制,甚至分区也是如此(使用Dos程序时)。他们可以预留硬盘空间,改动硬盘参数,在我装 Windows的时候加入很多文件,主要是很多DLL文件,按照他们的需要随意改动注册表。他们甚至将整个C盘Reserve起来,可以让我完全不能重装系统,因为不耐烦,也因为看不起我的电脑技术,他们曾经让在两秒内昨晚Dis Checking,十秒内装完一个Windows,呵呵,向我示威。这样,他们能够自如改动我的硬盘也就不足为奇了,可惜,他们低估了我的学习能力。最后我使用外面买的Ghost-xp来装,比较好地解决了这个问题,就是软件公司将他们自己装的C盘做成Ghost Image拿出来卖的,使用这种文件装系统,他们就不可以自如地加入各种文件了。但是他们成功地将两百多个DLL文件传到我的硬盘,然后在系统第一次运行的时候带动自动安装,这个时候我必须及时中止,一般都可以在装了二十多个DLL文件的时候中止。
我使用Smart Disk软件查看电脑分区情况,将他们预留的区域用该软件改成很古怪的很旧的分区形式。但是他们还是能够使用,主要原因是该软件只能改动分区表,并不能用形式对硬盘进行格式化,能够做格式化的只有FAT-16。但是我用FAT16格式化以后再改成古旧的硬盘格式仍然不能解决问题,因为实际盘子里面的格式还是FAT16。
这些服务主要有DHCP Client,这是用来做域名解析用的,就是在本机上将文字域名解析成数字域名,可以加快访问互联网的速度,他们可以用这个服务使我访问不到他们不希望我访问的网页
你们以为这样可以吓倒我?你们害了我们祖孙三代,不共戴天之仇,张某将衔记终生,此仇不报,誓不为人.我曾经害怕过,发抖过,当你们用各种闻所未闻的手段对付我的时候.但是对我儿子和母亲的爱,使我赶走了身上最后一点点怯懦,张某现在浑身是胆.张某一生未曾害人,鬼神之诛尚且不畏,何畏牛头小鬼!国法固峻, 无法加我.
我这个当爹的,为了亲生的小东西,自然免不了鞍前马后,上下奔走,左右腾挪,出钱出力.只是辛苦了各位相关单位的人士,如影随形,陪伴左右,连我下半夜去 7/11买报纸都要跟着,还时不时侵扰一下我,提醒我一下他们的存在和辛劳,当真令张某受宠若惊.怕是半分没有,但是夜半三更,凄风冷雨中居然有人陪伴我左右,做不要钱的保镖,实在辛苦你们了.
应该道歉的是,由于我个人修养还是有欠缺,在不堪侵扰的情况下,主要是对我儿子的侵扰,终于向贵单位的人士发火了,好生将贵单位的人士羞辱了一番.所幸的是,这位人士修养比我好多了,在我百般辱骂之下,仍然能够隐忍不语,真是好同志.他使我避免了侵犯国法, 我要谢谢他.要知道,我年轻的时候,是可以手碎两块青砖的,大小擒拿手阴狠毒辣,招招都是分分筋错骨,好险,幸亏没用上!
我曾经患十年的喉咙痛,大冬天我的喉咙都可以痛到要命,昨晚我看书看到很晚,因为是Sidney Shelton的小说,我唯一还在读的小说作家,结果外耳痛的要命,都是用这种方法治好的。我的儿子也受到这种干扰,用我的方法,他治好了。
发 现我得电脑被控制,因为鼠标会自己移动、操作,而且有些文件夹我进不去,即使用 “Administrator"账户的时候,即使是不在线的时候也这样。但是我没有装无线网卡,于是到处查资料,最后发现主板支持红外传输功能,但是我根本没有装红外适配器。但是我的机器是联想家悦的,Bios设定里面没有与红外功能黑客是肯定的,但是不在线的时候他还是可以控制我。他在我硬盘做了一个隐藏分区。我高格、低格都做过无数次了,装了三个硬盘、加了声卡、视频卡、网卡,没用,他可以在我装系统的时候加入很多dll文件,然后装好系统就可以马上控制我,有大半年了,他用了无线传输技术、虚拟intranet技术、远程虚拟技术和线程注入技术.我没装无线网卡和红外适配器,为什么他可以无线登陆我的电脑呢?而且他居然可以改我的CMOS设置。我设置成光驱启动,他可以改成软驱启动(或者USB硬盘),然后虚拟一个软驱(用隐藏分区里面的程序),然后再带动我的光驱启动,这样完全控制我的电脑。 他在我的电脑虚拟了一个网卡、一个监视器,甚至虚拟一个硬盘,都是PNP Mode的。可以看到我的屏幕,可以控制我。我跟他玩了好久了,曾经把主板拆剩CPU,再重新装回去,跳线、放电都试过了,没用,只把一些虚拟的硬件去掉了,始终无法隔断他的传输。望高度专业的人士伸手拉兄弟一把。即使我买一块新主板换掉了也不会有用。而且我发现他可以遥控几乎一切发射红外线的东西,如电视、空调、风扇的遥控器和手机。我发现很多蓝牙的值在我的注册表里面,如果是蓝牙连接有什么特点?望方家指教,万谢。各位老兄,我的网线早拔了,要是他通过互联网来搞我就当他是菜鸟了。是不在线的时候发生的!我的电脑是联想家悦,KM400-M2主板,板载网卡,没有无线功能。我查过主板手册了,唯一无线功能是支持Irfrared功能,而且要装适配器才能工作,我根本就没加,甚至没找到红外支持的五根针,他象鬼一样。
我最早是这样发现问题的。我 以安全模式的Administrator账户进入系统,然后逐个文件夹查找,在System Volume Information文件夹提示我没有进入的权限,但是这个文件夹我以前进入过这个文件夹无数次,从来不需要特殊权限的。于是我修改了这个文件夹的权限,发现了RemoteControlMonpoint 和tracking两个文件和Restore文件夹,但是我早已经禁用了系统的SystemRestore功能,这些文件都不该存在。于是我将整个文件夹删除,但是过一阵又重新出现了,于是再删再现,无数次重复。还有我用好像是Ontcome(具体名字我忘了)之类程序查看文件夹。看到Recycler文件夹时,发现了数百兆的程序文件和记录我所有操作的文件,于是我全部删除,但下次登陆又出现了。正常的回收站文件夹应该是Recycled,但这个文件夹叫做Recycler。这些情况都发生在我拔出网线的时候,因此肯定有人使用无线连接我的电脑,对吧?然后我打开我的Cmos设置,发现有一些改动。如:我没有装软驱,所以A、B盘都设为None,但是被改成A盘是1.4M的软驱或者USD HDD。第一启动选择被改为Floopy(或者USB HDD)Report to WIN No FDC被改成No。然后FDC被改成Enable。我全部重新修改,但下次开机再进去,又被全部改过来了。然后我用硬盘查看程序(SmartDisk)查看,硬盘的0磁道0柱头有两个无法进入也无法修改的隐藏分区。我推理这些分区被做成虚拟的软驱,然后从那里启动,再带动我的C盘启动,就可以控制我了。我装过98、ME、XP、2003、Ghost-XP都摆脱不了。我是硕士,曾任职500强公司部门经理,对编新闻没有兴趣。也不想出名,更不需要借此混饭吃.一键恢复用过好多次了,毫无用处。不过
问题补充:我从来没有系统地学过电脑,但是我买和玩了PC十多年了。在装好系统后我用Everrest 查看,发现PNP Mode的鼠标、键盘及全套硬件,等于他在我电脑上完整虚拟了另一个电脑。换主板也没用,我发现我的好几个朋友都有同样的问题,包括两台戴尔,两台联想和两台自装机,问题一摸一样。有可能是某机构发现了电脑硬件的一个后门吗?每次我做分区和格式化的时候,他都会预留2G左右的空间,我推测他在做另一个操作系统,然后就可以完全控制我的电脑了。 我换过六块硬盘,现在机里面有三块.我会试一下装其他系统,不过我已经争取回来大多数权限了.哈哈
那些语带嘲讽,说话没有教养的人大概就是卑鄙地盯着别人的电脑妄图从中取利的家伙吧,废话没有用的!! 我怀疑这就是某些正规机构干的,但是在下平生没有犯过法,对政治也毫无参与的兴趣!!!!如果这就是故意留的后门,解释就呼之欲出了
观自在菩萨 行深般若波罗蜜多时
照见五蕴皆空 度一切苦厄
色不异空 空不异色
色即是空 空即是色
受想行识 亦复如是
是诸法空相 不生不灭
不垢不净 不增不减
是故空中无色 无受想行识
无眼耳鼻舌身意 无色声香味触法
无眼界 乃至无意识界
无无明 亦无无明尽
乃至无老死 亦无老死尽
无苦集灭道 无智亦无得 以无所得故
菩提萨陲 依般若波罗蜜多故
心无挂碍 无挂碍故 无有恐怖
远离颠倒梦想 究竟涅盘
三世诸佛 依般若波罗蜜多故
是大神咒 是大明咒 是无上咒
是无等等咒 能除一切苦 真实不虚
即说咒曰 揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛
波罗僧揭谛 菩提娑婆诃
──── 全文结束 ────
而且,净资产本身就是一个非常不精确的值. 我们知道,会计上入帐的价值就是购入时的价值,也就是资产的成本,而资产价值是不断变动的.比如食品公司的存货都是有有效期的,有效期超过两年的存货基本上就等于垃圾了,但在会计的账上的价值是没有变动的,因为只有固定资产才允许折旧.两年前买的一块地皮,价格现在也许上涨了十倍,但是只要没有实现交易,在帐面上的价值就是原来入帐时候的价值,因为地皮是没有折旧的.那么溢价1.5倍实际上可能是折让50%,也可能是实际溢价两倍.所以净资产根本就不是一个有价值的参考标准.
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