
It seems a long march to go, but it had been started.路漫漫其修远兮

It has to be a long journey. Since they are really powerful, with plenty of resources. Money, manpower, technology, instrument, everything. Comparatively, I have nothing. What I have is my brain. This is really much more intellegience than their, or I can never fight them for so many years and couse so many trouble to them.
This morning I went by the famous pearl river, enjoying the view in a smoky rain. It was beautiful. I have been living in this city for forty years, seeing the river bank for thousands of times. But this morning I just enjoy it again, under a little bit heavy rain.
Life is beautiful, although for all those cheap beasts. I enjoy it and I love it. Life is not a dog. You can enjoy it while you just want to do it. No matter how many difficulties you are to face, it is your decision to enjoy it or suffer it.
Last night when a friend of mine persuaded me to give up, I told her it was not my decision to stop or not. I had to face it or there was nowhere to go.
Though it is my decision to enjoy it, with all the fighting, cheap beasts and sound playing around.
Even it maybe the last period of my life or life in normail world, I will enjoy it.