
My little son had to go to the hospital last night. 昨晚我儿子被迫去医院了

Last night, I was told that my son got a quite painful feeling in his ear. He was with his mother and his mother took him to the hospital. The doctor could not check out what kind of illness it was. But I can without check anything. It was the cheap beasts who did it since it is such kind of feeling I have got for over ten years. Ear, belly, hand or head, wherever they want to do it on our body. I was just now working with an extremely painfull feeling with my own ear. But I just did not care now. Normally I can fight back by making some other part of my body some feeling of pain. That will stop them for sure. Now I just don't want to waste my time in this kind of meaningless thing. I would like to focus on what I am doing. This is just some kind of disturbance, and actually doesn't cause any physical problem. I will teach my son about this when he is back to me. They did this to him just want to cause some kind of depress in his mood or some psychological problem to him. They ever did this to the other kids of the family. What kind of shameless beasts they are. 昨晚,我儿子的耳朵非常痛,痛到不得不让他妈妈带到医院去看病。结果医生也没能诊断出具体是甚么病,但其实我能,根本不需要做任何检查。因为十多年了,我对这类的痛感太熟悉了,这毫无疑问是贱狗所为。只要他们想,可以在对象的任何部位制造出痛感,耳朵、手臂、大腿、肚子之类的。就象我的腰一样,十多年花了我无数金钱、时间医治,结果我最后发现根本就是虚造出来的。我儿子回来后,我会教导他怎样去应付这些无耻下流的贱狗。至于我自己,根本就懒得理他们了。这类太无聊的事情,我已经不愿意花费我的时间和精力了